Highpointography is a specialist branch of geography which focuses on the study of topographical High Points. It also covers the subsequent compilation and publication of original High Point lists.
A Highpointographer is any person who studies geographical High Points as a leisure activity or for the purpose of compiling and publishing their own original High Point list. Examples of Highpointographers are Kieron Gribbon (compiler of the official list of Ireland’s major geographical High Points) and Ian Hardy (compiler of the Hardy list of United Kingdom's major geographical High Points).
The words “Highpointography” and “Highpointographer” were invented by Kieron Gribbon on 30th April 2017. Both words made their public debut on 18th May 2017 when they were published on multiple pages throughout the High Point Ireland website.
A Highpointographer is any person who studies geographical High Points as a leisure activity or for the purpose of compiling and publishing their own original High Point list. Examples of Highpointographers are Kieron Gribbon (compiler of the official list of Ireland’s major geographical High Points) and Ian Hardy (compiler of the Hardy list of United Kingdom's major geographical High Points).
The words “Highpointography” and “Highpointographer” were invented by Kieron Gribbon on 30th April 2017. Both words made their public debut on 18th May 2017 when they were published on multiple pages throughout the High Point Ireland website.