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Walking guidebook(s)
Social media
Please tag your Mount Eagle posts, photos and videos as #MountEagle516m on social networks. This will help other Highpointeers to find and share them.
Please note that there are other summits in Ireland which are also called Mount Eagle
Please note that there are other summits in Ireland which are also called Mount Eagle
Search for Mount Eagle posts, photos and videos by other Highpointeers which have been tagged as #MountEagle516m on social networks by clicking on the following links:
There are many occurrences of multiple places in Ireland having the same name. On social media, this can lead to unrelated messages appearing in location-specific search results. In an attempt to overcome this, High Point Ireland has assigned a unique hashtag to each location. You can find the list of recommended hashtags here. We encourage you to use these where appropriate on social media.