Ireland's Isol-Prom High Points
An Isol-Prom High Point is any of the twenty summits in Ireland which are higher than all their respective surrounding ground for at least 20km in all directions and have a topographical prominence of at least 500m. This original list compiled by Kieron Gribbon was first published on 12th September 2017 and is the first Irish summit list ever to be based purely on topographical isolation and prominence. It is a secondary sub-list of the official list of Ireland's major geographical High Points, a sub-set of the 20km Isolation High Points, and a sub-set of the 500m Prominence High Points. It is also an original standalone list in its own right.
Our logging partner
We invite you to log your Isol-Prom High Point location visits with Peakhunter, our official logging partner. Peakhunter is the world's No.1 peak-logging platform ( The Peakhunter app allows you to create a log entry by simply pressing a button on your smartphone while you are physically present at a High Point location. Download the app here.
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