Every location on the official full list of Ireland's Major Geographical High Points has earned its place by meeting the criteria for at least one of the eight primary sub-lists. Certain locations from the overall list have also been hand-picked for inclusion on twelve secondary sub-lists. Each of the 17 sub-lists below marked "KG" is an original compilation by Kieron Gribbon which was first published on the date shown and is an original standalone list in its own right. We mainly promote the primary sub-lists as hillwalking challenges for which we can issue Certificates of Completion upon request.
The primary sub-lists
The following eight primary sub-lists are the basis of the overall list of Ireland's major geographical High Points:
The secondary sub-lists
The following twelve secondary sub-lists are based on the overall list of Ireland's major geographical High Points:
Our logging partner
We invite you to log your High Point visits with Peakhunter, our official logging partner. Peakhunter is the world's No.1 peak-logging platform (www.peakhunter.com). The Peakhunter app allows you to create a log entry by simply pressing a button on your smartphone while you are physically present at a High Point location. Download the app here.
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